Lally House
Mission Statement
The Lally House Post-Secondary Transition Program within Jefferson County, WV Schools is grounded in the commitment that every young adult aged 18-21 should have a continued Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) opportunity that is inclusive of daily living, community, and pre-employment training skills. It is our belief that all individuals should be afforded the opportunity to learn and develop skills that will enhance the ability to integrate as seamlessly as possible into productive employment and independent living. The Lally House program seeks to afford this opportunity to qualified post-secondary candidates.
Program Components
Life Skills
Functional Reading
Functional Math
Social Skills
Household Management
Community Skills
Social Skills
Community Resources
Work Based Skills
Soft Skills
Work Experience
Social Skills in the Workplace
Interest Inventories
Lally House
137 Lowery Lane
Harpers Ferry, WV 25425
Judy Burgess, Teacher
Donna Leake, Teacher